Prof. Dr. Yoichi Fujii-e's Papers

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English Articles

Prof. Dr. Fujii-e's work list start DownLoad of J_D_01.pdf
- A Feasibility Study on FP Incineration for Self-Consistent Nuclear Energy System(SCNES) 1998
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- Preface and Overview of FBR Safety, Proc. of the Symposium on the Core Disruptive Accidents of Fast
Breeder Reactors(Jul.27-28, 1990)
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- An Approach to Self-Consistent Nuclear Energy System- Potential of Fast Reactors, Proc. of International Conference on Design and Safety of Advanced Nuclear Power Plants, Vol.2, Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 25-29 (1992)
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- The 21st Century and Nuclear Civilization (1995)
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- Celebration of Prof. Fujii-e's Sixtieth Birthday, Long Tern Outlook of Nuclear Development. (1996)
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- Nuclear Energy Development for The Future (Jun. 27. 1997)
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- Nuclear Development and Asian Collaboration in 21st Century (Oct. 12. 1998)
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- Nuclear Policy and the Long-term Program of Japan (SEP. 27. 2000)
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- Nuclear Energy System for a Sustainable Development Perspective
- Self-consistent Nuclear Energy System-, Proc. of Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems
Toward Zero Release of Radioactive Wastes, Susono, Japan, (Nov. 6-9, 2000)
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- Nuclear Perspective for the Future (2000)
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- Future Prospect of Global Role of Nuclear Energy Prticularly in Asian Countries,
GLOBAL 2003, (Nov. 17, 2003)
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- The Dawn of a New Nuclear Age. (2005)
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- Can Nuclear Energy Support Civilized Society in the 21st Century? -From a Civilization Based on Chemical Reactions to a Civilization Based on Nuclear Reactions-
Zukuftige Energiesysteme mit Kernenergie. (Feb. 2006)
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- With Dr. Peepler, who is a good friend from when Prof. Fuji-ie was studing with in former FZK, i.e., Karlsruhe Nuclear Researche Center: KfK,
and an article written in a newpaper in Karlsruhe
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- ''Mankind, Civilization and Nuclear Energy'' presented at the International conference on Consultants'dvice on technical issues related to ’4`Protected Plutonium Utilization,'' IAEA, Vienna, (Jun. 15-16, 2006)
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- ''Innovative Nuclear Energy System and Related fuel Cycle for Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy,'' presented at the International conference on Advances in Nuclear Materials (ANM-2006) held at Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) on December 12-16, 2006. (Dec. 12-16,2006)
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- Abstract for the Presentation entitled ''Mankind and Civilization and Nuclear Energy'' held at Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR), Kalpakkam, India on December 15, 2006. (Dec. 15, 2006)
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- Abstract for the Presentation entitled ''Nuclear Development Policies in Japan- Toward Coexistence between Abolition of Atomic Bombs and Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy-'' held at Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, India on December 18. (Dec. 18,2006)
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- Abstract for the Presentation entitled ''Nuclear Reaction-based Civilization in the 21st Century'' held at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India on December 19, 2006. (Dec. 19, 2006)
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